Born in Athens, Greece as an Air Force brat, Teri M Brown came into this world with an
imagination full of stories to tell. She now calls the North Carolina coast home, and the peaceful
nature of the sea has been a great source of inspiration for her creativity.
Not letting 2020 get the best of her, Teri chose to go on an adventure that changed her outlook
on life. She and her husband, Bruce, rode a tandem bicycle across the United States from
Astoria, Oregon to Washington DC, successfully raising money for Toys for Tots. She learned
she is stronger than she realized and capable of anything she sets her mind to.
Teri graduated from UNC Greensboro with a multitude of degrees – majors in Elementary
Education and Psychology and minors in Math and Sociology – she just couldn’t settle on one
thing! While homeschooling her four children, she began her writing career by focusing on small
businesses, writing articles, blog posts, and website content.
During this time, Teri published five nonfiction self-help books dealing with real estate and
finance, receiving "First Runner Up" in the Eric Hoffman Book Awards for 301 Simple Things
You Can Do To Sell Your Home Now, finalist in the USA Best Books Awards for How To Open
and Operate a Financially Successful Redesign, Redecorate, and Real Estate Staging Business
and for 301 Simple Things, You Can Do To Sell Your Home Now, and Honorable Mention in
Foreword Magazine’s Book of the Year Award for Private Mortgage Investing.
In 2017, after finally getting out of an emotionally abusive 14-year marriage, Teri began dabbling
in fiction, a lifelong dream. Upon winning the First Annual Anita Bloom Ornoff Award for
Inspirational Short Story for a piece about her grandfather, she began writing in earnest, and
published her debut novel in 2022, Sunflowers Beneath the Snow, a historical fiction set in
Ukraine. Her second novel published in 2023, An Enemy Like Me, takes place during WWII. Her
latest novel, Daughters of Green Mountain Gap, a generational story about Appalachian healers
comes out in January 2024.
Teri is a wife, mother, grandmother, and author who loves word games, reading, bumming on
the beach, taking photos, singing in the shower, hunting for in bargains, ballroom dancing,
playing bridge, and mentoring others – especially youth and women who are having trouble
discovering their worth. Learn more at www.terimbrown.com.