Mary Elder

We all have ways of making this world a better place - let's make it good! The music that I write can best be described as "Folk-country with a positive uplifting focus". While I am working on getting recordings done, I have posted lyrics onto this site, in hopes they can inspire. Sad Note; On July 29th, 2017, our dear friend and co-songwriter of the beautiful song, "Just Believe" (spiritual hymn), Gail Gerdin, transitioned into spirit...she will be greatly missed. A free download of the song we wrote together is at the bottom of this page in the song listings....prayers for strength and healing to all who were touched by her beautiful, kind spirit. The song is our gift to the world - we hope and pray it may inspire others to follow their dreams. Please download and share the song as you see fit to do so - all we ask is that full credit / website references be given....blessings.
Performance Updates: I have been performing "here and there" as schedule permits; I sing with the Saturday evening praise team at the Yankton Trinity Lutheran Church, www.tlcyankton.com and also with the Yankton SD chapter of Sweet Adeline's International. In addition to that, I play tuba, flute, oboe, and do vocals in a variety band, called "The Bumble Bees" which covers a nice mixture of polkas, waltzes, big band, and classic country. I am grateful for the experience that these venues have provided. I am also grateful to Elaine Peacock (www.elainepeacock.com) and the South Dakota Country Music Hall of Fame (www.southdakotacountrymusichalloffame.org ) for their support and jam sessions!
Music Updates: I have the sheet music done for the "flowing, Heavenly version" of Just Believe, (thank you Joe Pekas!) so that anyone who wants to sing it has access to the music. (It is very much a "church choir" song) If anyone wants a copy of it, just contact me through this website. The "sheet music instrumental version" plays on this site, so it can be heard how that version goes.
I will put here a quote I just got; (from a fortune cookie at a restaurant of all places!)
"In a gentle way, you can shake the world"