The Business Mindset group is designed to coach, empower, and keep your mindset on what is important in business, and that is done through the power of video and posts. Sometimes you may see live videos from Wayne Clark and guests or by Wayne himself once a month offline or sometimes Live videos. You will also get some great business advice with Q&As. If you have a business question, then you are more than welcome to ask your questions on the pinned posts.
The Business Mindset group is for anyone that is starting a business. If you are thinking, starting, or mid-business then this is the right place for you. If you would love to share any business advice via Live video, then please let Wayne know via message. What you will learn and what you get inside this group. all members will get 3 months inside this group on a subscription plan of £25 a month. At the end of your subscription, you will be offered to stay within the group for £5.99 a month and you will have the business advice, support, and mindset videos.
• Workflow Chart – It is easy to lose track of everything and keep up with everything so that is why Wayne will help you build a workflow chart and help you to understand how to keep up with your tasks, stay stress-free and stay organized, and more. (Month One Via video link)
• Storytelling – Why storytelling and what storytelling can do for you as a brand and how your story can turn into potential clients or customers. (Month One Via Video Link)
• LinkedIn Networking – Networking the right way on LinkedIn. (Month Two Via video link)
• Business Advice – If you need business advice Wayne is always around and will help you get the advice you need. (When Member Requests)
• SWOT - Wayne will Help you to understand Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. (Month Three)
• Mindset Business Talks – You can expect mindset talks from Wayne via Live video or offline videos. (Once a month)
• Video Talks with Wayne – You will have the opportunity to have a chat via video link with Wayne to talk about your business and why you decided to start a business.
• Business advice, help, and support when needed.
• How to network on LinkedIn and understanding of key points to remember when using this platform.
• Empowerment through the Mindset Business Talk.
• You understand about SWOT and why you should do this when you feel low, or something is not working in the business.
• You will know how to work with your workflow chart so you can take charge of your life and business.
• You will know how to create a story and turn it into a call of action.
CLICK HERE to sign up today. #Coaching #TheRightBuzz #Mindset